Sunday, September 21, 2014

In creating this blog, I have come to realize how far some things have advanced since the last time I looked at them. Since Google has bought blogger, the interface has expanded much farther. You can now edit the raw HTML and CSS manually, to customize to your liking. I will definitely be doing this within the next week in order to really make the blog my own.

This past week's class has also led me to realize that there are definitely easier ways to go about certain things. In my development experience, I have traditionally had the mindset that as long as it works, it is good. However, I have worked with many languages from HTML and CSS to jQuery and PHP; This thought of mine does not work, especially for very extensive languages. 

In class this week, I saw an example of a background animation that I would have previously figured would only be able to be built using a javascript based language. This instance, however, was built using only HTML5 and CSS3. 

I suppose the biggest takeaway from this week's classes is that the more up to date you are with you languages, the better they can serve you ( and save you lots of time! ).

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