Sunday, October 12, 2014

Typography and SMB

One of the things that I really think makes a website is typography. For me, it really defines the site as being average, or setting the bar for its kind. Although there are many fonts that you can download and embed from your hosted server, I am really liking the newer trends in typography.

Google fonts, I've found, are some of the most reliable options to use. Especially when you're working on UI applications, where visibility and coherence is priority above style, web specific fonts are the best choice. Google has a fantastic realm of hosted fonts to include, and contain most web versions of basic faces that you need in the web world (both serif and sans-serif):

I always like to say I will leave my font choices until last...usually by that point, I've laid everything else on the site out and know what look I'm going for. If my project needs that last little touch, a few wise font choices will put the icing on the cake.

Since this is also supposed to be a blog about what I have learned in the past week, I also think it's pertinent to share this...even though its not directly from this class: When connecting to a Windows server from a mac, use SMB1. The 10.9 Mavericks upgrade includes the new SMB2 protocol, which completely shut down my Mac this past week...once smb drops the connection, it shuts down not only the program you happen to be using (in my case Photoshop), but also Finder, and all other core functions (you must use the units power button to force restart).

Although this is a bit of mixed information this week, I still hope it's a few different ways.

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